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Saturday, May 11, 2013


Saturday, May 11, 2013
5/11/2013 7:20 PM

Mother’s Day last year is when the pRCC diagnosis was confirmed.  Many of the stats use this diagnosis date.   Others use the start of treatment date.  My pRCC was discovered inadvertently, which makes my odds better.  And, of course, stats are stats and they don’t mention any individual.  What we all want is prognostication which includes us; that's the rub.

I’m adapting to Sutent and the chronic conditions.  What’s the alternative to adapting? Well, it’s not so clear.  There are degrees of adaptation.  I’m adapting moderately well, in my estimation, and furthermore, I’m still here and kicking.

I haven’t even gone to the workshops on living with chronic conditions.   Maybe next week.  Wednesday will be the end of this 4 week treatment and then the Oncologist will do an evaluation, just to make sure I’m ok for the next 4 week stint.  So it goes.  But (Galileo forgive me)…but, it still goes.