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Friday, April 5, 2013

LOG DATE 4/5/2013 7:31 PM

LOG DATE 4/5/2013 7:31 PM


The CT scan has scanned and delivered.  We will have to wait until next week for the Oncologist to pronounce on the meaning of the Radilogist’s report, but we have already looked at it.

To our unprofessional minds it is saying that one bit has shrunk, one has stayed still and one is still growing but slowly.  My bet is that the Oncologist will say that Sutent is working.

Sutent: that’s the stuff whose effects haven’t even left me yet, but we get thru the day and Spring here is lovely, when the sun comes out.

I don’t really know who reads this; I haven’t learned to track views.  But I can guess who views it from Indonesia, Panama, Brazil and Ireland: all family.  When one showed up from Nepal I was mystified until Janet said that one of her friends was visiting Nepal.  The Germans and the Koreans will just have to remain a mystery.