This blog is about papillary renal cell carcinoma, it's treatment and me (of course).
I don't know if it is a better way to reach family and friends than the email system I started with.
The email system was not everynight, like this blog. So there is more information.
Perhaps TMI.
But you have more choice; you can tune in or tune out.
Some say I should offer an RSS widget so you will be notified of a new posting. As yet, I don't know how to do that. If someone wants to show me how to offer an RSS, that would be nice. [oh, I see I've added a "subscribe by email" at the bottom...maybe that will do the same thing as RSS]
This is a public blog; I haven't felt the need to restrict it. It is possible that viewers unknown to me will come across it; if it is useful to you, fine. If, perchance, you to are treating pRCC and want to compare notes, please email me. I've just finished THE EMPEROR OF ALL MALADIES and pRCC is not in there. I have looked at the professional books on RCC but they are beyond my comprehension. Should this come to the attention of another treating pRCC with Sutent, I would like to correspond.
Today's news: feeling stronger, the blurred vision returns at times, there is a little disequilibrium, like the inner ear is having a problem, and...I'm pretty sure I'm turning yellow. As in jaundiced. I must remember what they said in their brochure: "This is not harmful."
I'm past the first week of Sutent and the Doc is hopeful, so I will be too.
thallervale at gmail