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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Wednesday 23 January 2013

For Phase III of this pRCC
[papillary Renal Cell Carcinoma]
I'm making a blog, inspired by my sister-in-law and her cancer blog.

Phase I was the nephrectomy.
Phase II was Temsirolimus.
Phase II is over. Temsirolimus was not shrinking anything and gave me many diseases.
Phase III is Sutent, an oral form of chemo.
If you want more on Sutent go to MedlinePlus
and search for "Sutent".  MedlinePlus is a great place to start looking for health information.  [See what comes from working in medical libraries for 11 years?]

If you want more from me, well, come back or email me.
My life has always been strange and so I wonder if it isn't no more strange now.
I wonder about probabilities and actualities and how one seems futuristic and the other must be past.
Well, enough for now. [That's the now between that past and that future]

Perhaps this will be a better way for me to communicate than my emails.  Perhaps not. Who or what arbitrates?
Oh, Sutent is supposed to start tomorrow.  Of course it is toxic.  It especially targets the heart and the liver.  The doc just said they would monitor both closely.
So it goes.