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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Results from Oncologist

Basically, he confirmed that the cancer is in the lymphnodes, but still not growing very fast.
He recommended going back on chemo, asap; but a different type of chemo, in the hopes that I can tolerate it better.

I'm not doing any chemo until March; I have familial travels plans I don't want to spoil. And chemo does tend to spoil things.

Thaller Vale, Tuesday, 4th of February, 2014

Monday, February 3, 2014

CT results

My primary doctor called with the CT results:

the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes.

Tomorrow, I'll see my oncologist to discuss options.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

3rd Oncologist + 4 scans

Saturday, February 01, 2014

Time to update this.  Seems I manage a note per month. 

I’ll try to be brief:  the lymph nodes in the neck swelled up, the PET scan was denied, I asked to see another oncologist.  

Not that I didn’t trust my oncologist, but he works for Harrison and it is GroupHealth that has the final say.  So I wanted to see what a GH Oncologist would say about the PET scans and while we are at it, the lymph nodes etc.

Upshot:  They did all the scans scheduled for February, abdominal, chest, neck, and head.  It’s good to have that out of the way.  No results yet.   The new oncologist said that each time they give me the contrast dye for a CT scan it I like sticking a dagger in my kidney.   Now they tell me. 

I’m still off chemo, but  oncologist no.3  is suggesting to oncologist no.2  a new chemo especially made for papillary RCC.   This is good news, but I can’t feel it.