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Friday, July 12, 2013

Round Three

Round  Three with Sutent                                                        Friday, July 12, 2013

Ok I can breathe better now.  Six hours of activity is enough to make me have to stop and rest.  Hence the terseness of the last post.

The new oncologist says there is no obvious growth of the tumors, that the cancer is held at bay, and that my blood work shows I’m stable.  He said there was no better alternative to continuing with Sutent. 

My bet that there would be no dealing with my symptoms proved true.  I’ll have to take them elsewhere.  In other words, I still have no symptoms of kidney cancer.  Strange, isn't it.  My symptoms are classified under less than optimal living habits plus all the side effects of the drugs.   

I asked if there were any new alternatives.  He said there were 8 drugs available.  I asked “are they for papillary RCC?” and he said, no, none are particularly designed for the papillary type.  The tests are all done on the broader category RCC, or should I say, RCCs?  So it is still a crap shoot.

There is no denying that I was hoping for a better alternative.   So this time I’m going to make one: I’m going to try my own home-brew of complementary medicines and exercises.  I’ll see what naturopaths, chiros, et c., I can get thru my Group Health.  I’ll beef up the percentage of raw plant food.  And so on.

This tendency has a long history with me, all the way back to the diet of “water and pulses” from my childhood stories.  I’m pretty sure it is in the Daniel stories.

A friend loaned my Andrew Weil’s Integrative Oncology early in this cancerous phase of life and from it I learned that he was suggesting that healthy living options were the best options.  And at the time I was only looking for someone who had options for “papillary renal cell carcinoma” and he didn't, so I didn't follow his advice.  But in a sense, my “complementary option” is the same thing.  Will it help?  Will it matter?  Time will tell.

Thanks for listening.
Thaller Vale

7/12/2013 7:05 PM