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Thursday, July 18, 2013

On the Sutent roller-coaster again.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

I started with Sutent yesterday.  I can’t say that I feel any different.  Some of the Sutent symptoms continued right thru the hiatus, the pause that refreshes between a month’s worth toxic medicine.  There is a slow motion, delayed reaction that I cannot predict.  Just take a day at a time.

Even with two weeks off Sutent, my fingers felt like they were about to blister.  So it goes.

I am increasing the percentage of raw plants in my diet.  Let’s see how that goes.

That’s about all for the medical news.  

Psychologically, I feel quite different than during rounds one and two.  There is more determination tinged with bitterness.   Bitterness was the one taste that remained when my taste buds were at their most atrophied.  I love the bitterness of perfectly flat, non-sour espresso.  The psychological bitterness is another thing and I strive to accept it only to vitiate it.  The most powerful empires absorb, co-opt, we used to say, and move on.

So much for the soma and the psyche.  The rest must rest elsewhere.  I can't help being hierarchical. 



7/18/2013 12:52 PM