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Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The CAT scan went well; it’s becoming routine; the power port helps, being sedated helps, having a loving and intelligent helpmeet helps.

We took the discs immediately and hand delivered them to the oncologist’s office.  The Radiologist report comes later and can be online.

The symptoms I’m watching are two: 
  1. a pain around the liver and 
  2. an electrical shock that runs from fingers to shoulder on the right.  I’m learning to avoid certain postures and gestures.

My bet is that the CT scan will not show any grounds for explaining these symptoms. 

As for tumor growth, well, I’m willing to wait and see.  

I’m considering treating the symptoms with complementary therapies beyond the AMA.  I’m considering dropping the AMA treatment entirely.  (You should know that my considerations can be very brief flashes, barely time to be present, and yet they count.)  I’m not telling you all I’m considering.  Filtering is the only way to live.  Existence is form and form is limitation. 

That’s all on the medical front for now.  Friday we will know more.

PS: as I don’t know who reads this, and as it seems rather weird, I mean, like who would subscribe to audio-tapes of dinner conversations at a nursing home, oh no, that’s going too far.  Anyway, because of those feelings, I’m considering (flash) making this non-public; all those of you on my mailing lists would have private access.

And, the more I put on the other sites, the more limited this blog will be, to what it always was, a papillary renal cell carcinoma blog.


7/10/2013 1:32 PM