Sunday, June 16, 2013
I hear that another colleague has fallen, that means he has
died. I’m glad I had a chance to work
with him. He worked in the same unit I
worked in, but retired just before I did. My colleague who died May 6th
was also from that unit. We all worked
together. RIP.
That unit has been more than decimated. There were 8 of us: two have died, and I have
retired, and another has left. That’s more than decimation; that’s being cut in
half. I feel for the fallen and I feel
for the survivors. I know I’m using battlefield
metaphors but I can’t let the armed forces command all the terms. Each life is a battle and not a minor one. Kyrie Eleison.
Until you change the perspective. That’s what consciousness does.
6/16/2013 6:29:21 PM