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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Last week of Sutent

Last week of Sutent
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

All symptoms go (if you know what I mean). 
When will they be gone (now that’s a stupid question). 
Very taxing, leaving little disposable income (oh, make that energy).

July 8th I believe I’ll get the next scan and they’ll tell me what’s what, oh no, they won’t.
We will wait, and meet with the new oncologist and then we’ll hear what’s what.

I can’t get my sites into good shape yet, but if you want a look, the vision project is out there in outline:

And my more personal blog is continuing at

This one will eventually be incorporated into one of my disinterested truth sites.


Thallervale 6/26/2013 7:43 PM