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Friday, June 7, 2013

SUTENT again.

Friday, June 07, 2013

I started the last half of Sutent on Wednesday.  Thus begins the last month before the oncologist can say whether this is worthwhile.  And I don’t know who that oncologist will be.

Nothing new with the symptoms, just more fatigue.

No progress on the other websites either.  Should I be more patient or more impatient?  Seems either path should work, but neither has yet.

I tried Google+ to see what effect it would have.  Many of you know I’ve declared myself post-facebook after a few tries; but I thought I’d give G+ a run.  Can’t say yet that I know whether the circles are hermetic or whether my one post went out to all in all circles. 

Too tired to continue now.  Goodnight to you all.  But that seems a strange thing to say.  It only works for me right now, and when a reader reads this, it won’t be applicable at all.  But, for you fans of synchronicity (one 20th century meme I follow), you can know  then that I meant it way back then.

6/7/2013 11:07:56 PM