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Sunday, September 21, 2014


It seems I misunderstood, though we still believe we heard them say that the lymph node had been removed. We've been back to the Surgeon and we now have a different story.

I'll quote them, in the interest of accuracy:

And a little more which suggests why we may have been confused:

So the upshot is that the lump in my throat still a lump in my throat, a tumor.

The excised mass was sent to "Foundation One for special studies"; I hope to find out what this foundation is on my meeting with the Oncologist on the thirtieth.

Flying fortress cloud

Monday, September 15, 2014


I haven't wanted to write for a while
and so I haven't
which is an old story but we won't go there now
but I should tell you the results of the biopsy.

First, it was transformed into an -ectomy, specifically, a lymphectomy, except lymphectomy doesn't seem to be a word, they keep suggesting lumpdectomy.

And there is a reason for that: lymph is a fluid not an organ.  The organ would be a lymph node.  I assuming that this node is what the surgeon removed.  Somewhere where the neck meets the chest.

And why would he do that?  He  must have assumed the node was malignant, which is what the pathologists later confirmed.

The oncologist said that the node was in fact malignant with pRCC.  He said it would be highly irregular if the other bumps and growths are not also due to pRCC.  So in addition to the growths in my torso, I've got a few around my head.  The oncologist said it wouldn't make any sense to keep cutting them out, that they would just show up elsewhere.
So this is the bad news I have been digesting.   Currently I am staying on chemo, and there are many types of chemo available, if this one stops working.  So it goes.


Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Thanks for your responses and updates on your moving affairs. 

The biopsy went well, but took all day.  Partly because the Surgeon decided to not just grab a bit for a biopsy but went ahead and took out the whole swollen lymph node.  For which I thank him.   

Later this week we will find out if the node was malignant.

Janet and I are relived, generally .  I'm getting about and can talk, but shouldn't, much.  

Which lymph node was removed, I can't say.  Maps don't show a lymph node under the Adam's Apple.  So what I was feeling must have started somewhere else.   Like most things.

Thanks for your thoughts and prayers.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

September already

Where did August go?
Well, if you are still there, there is one new development.
Next Tuesday I'll have a small lump in my throat biopsied.
I complained to the Oncologists of several bumps and they asked a surgeon to pick one to be biopsied.

I can't tell if this is for them or for me.
Are they convinced that all these bumps are pRCC, or, are they convinced it doesn't matter as my body is suffused with their chosen chemo already?

Nevertheless, I should have some news next week.
The Surgeon has already told us that besides the normal risks of this procedure, another is that the mass may be inconclusively identified.
If I didn't love axiology and epistemology, my goose would be a cookin now.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

July Update

On Monday I had a bunch of CT scans, pelvis to neck, and today I got the results.

Basically it is as good as I could expect short of more miracles.

There are more spots, but some of the old ones are shrinking.

Nothing egregious right now and the oncologists say that this type of cancer can be slow to change.

So we are going to continue with the current Chemo, that's Votrient.

Maybe two more months if I can stand it.

My immune system and liver and kidney are still functioning fine.

Overall, I believe we are relieved and thankful.

Maybe I can find a before and after picture for you.

time traveler

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Good News for June

My oncologists have agreed to let me off chemo for June.

My condition in May was bad enough for them to start the break (for 5 days), and then when I insisted that I be off chemo for our family get together, they realized I might as well resume in July.

Of course, we  still don't know if this stuff is doing any good.

And of course, the tumors now have a chance to surge on.

So it goes, and I am feeling much better about June.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Where did MAY go?

I haven't been able to respond to you individually.  The month of May was not merry.  Both Janet and I suffered. 

I can write now. 

I'm two days off the chemo.  

A temporary test. 

Also dry-run to see if I can travel towards the end of June.  

I think I will. 

Sign off with new drawing. 

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Gentle update

April 27, 2014, Sunday

It's not fair to keep silent as that has been taken as a sign that I'm feeling too bad to communicate.
That is not the case.

This new chemo is much more tolerable.
The oncologist says my liver, kidney and immune system are still functioning well.

We won't know till summer whether it is doing any good.


Tuesday, March 4, 2014

CHEMO: round 3


This time we are going to try a different type of chemo than the first two.  Perhaps it will not be as damaging.  Perhaps it might even slow down the cancer.  Only one way to find out. 

It has side effects very much like Sutent, so I won't go into details. 

Tomorrow, at least an hour before any breakfast, I'm to down 800mg of the stuff with a glass of water.  Then lie back and see what happens. 

Just for comparison, Janet took a picture of me today, to stand as a Before Votrient picture.  Sutent, you may remember, made me look more Scandinavian. 

Tuesday, 4 March, 2014

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Results from Oncologist

Basically, he confirmed that the cancer is in the lymphnodes, but still not growing very fast.
He recommended going back on chemo, asap; but a different type of chemo, in the hopes that I can tolerate it better.

I'm not doing any chemo until March; I have familial travels plans I don't want to spoil. And chemo does tend to spoil things.

Thaller Vale, Tuesday, 4th of February, 2014

Monday, February 3, 2014

CT results

My primary doctor called with the CT results:

the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes.

Tomorrow, I'll see my oncologist to discuss options.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

3rd Oncologist + 4 scans

Saturday, February 01, 2014

Time to update this.  Seems I manage a note per month. 

I’ll try to be brief:  the lymph nodes in the neck swelled up, the PET scan was denied, I asked to see another oncologist.  

Not that I didn’t trust my oncologist, but he works for Harrison and it is GroupHealth that has the final say.  So I wanted to see what a GH Oncologist would say about the PET scans and while we are at it, the lymph nodes etc.

Upshot:  They did all the scans scheduled for February, abdominal, chest, neck, and head.  It’s good to have that out of the way.  No results yet.   The new oncologist said that each time they give me the contrast dye for a CT scan it I like sticking a dagger in my kidney.   Now they tell me. 

I’m still off chemo, but  oncologist no.3  is suggesting to oncologist no.2  a new chemo especially made for papillary RCC.   This is good news, but I can’t feel it.       

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Medical progress, Friday thru today Wednesday.

Back to Friday night.
I was preparing to do battle with the HMO over the PET scan.

I felt my neck stiffen.  My word room filled with “stiff neckked pride”, flown in from my KJV childhood.

When I went to bed I felt a large hot lump on my left neck shoulder line. I didn’t sleep much.
Saturday, the lump still there, I discussed the situation with the duty nurse, which resulted in our going to Silverdale’s urgent care, which then sent us to Harrison Emergency.

They did x-ray and CT scan and decided my lymph nodes were swelling, perhaps with blood.  Having determined there was no emergency (except I should get off coumadin asap) I was advised to wait and try to see my Oncologist Monday or as soon as possible.  I was given a shot of vitamin K before I left.  The theory was that I might need a biopsy or surgery and they didn’t want my thin runny blood then.  That brings us to Saturday night.

On Sunday Morning Terrill called and informed me of Mom’s death.  Sunday was mainly preoccupied with family.

On Monday, the swelling was still present, but the Oncologist was not.  The best we could do was to see the NP on Tuesday, which we did.

While with the NP the oncologist came in to have a look.  They decided there was really nothing to be done except wait.  The swelling did seem to be going down.   In a month or so we’d do another CT scan, if the PET scan is still denied. 

Now it is Wednesday, and my blood work is better, IE: sugars way down, and pressure normal.  It seems stopping coumadin has made my blood numbers better.  Now I’ll see if I can stop the blood pressure medicine, metoprolol.  Stopping the allopurinol would be good too.

In my layman’s mind, the breast pain, the neck swellings, the clogged Eustachion tubes, are all related but the AMA doesn’t seem to think so.   So it goes. 

Mother dies in her sleep.

Saturday night – Sunday morning.

On the night of the 4th/5th my mother died peacefully in her sleep in Chattanooga, TN.  She was found Sunday morning after breakfast with a smile on her face.  

My world is changed, never before having been without her.

She was 87.

I like to believe that some spiritual part continues, meets up with her husband, my father, and that the two of them are very happy.  

Now, for us, remaining in the STEM world, there are gaps where Mom used to be.  We will fill the gaps with memories.

She lived well.  She died well.  RIP.

1/8/2014 11:05 AM

The visit with the Oncologist.

2014 January, Friday the Third.

The Oncologist suggests extending the Sutent vacation.
Our HMO denies the recommended PET scan.   This may be appealed.
The Oncologist suggests we continue on but have a CT scan instead.

The pain in my left breast is considered and dismissed. 

2013 December

2013 December

The Urologist says that my remaining kidney is doing all the appropriate kidney functions.
He advises that I not hurt the remaining kidney.

Sorry I’ve been silent for so long, but I’ve been enjoying the Sutent vacation.